Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Most Beautiful Place Ever

On Monday me and Carlene went to Regent's Park and I absolutely love it. I think it's my favorite place that I have been to so far on this trip. There was a man there hand-feeding the squirrels and it was the cutest thing I have ever seen. He would whistle for them (like a dog) and they would run up, stretch up on their hind legs and grab the peanut right out of his hand. He saw us watching and let us feed the squirrels. Then we went to the inner circle of the park and there was a huge rose garden. There was every single color/shade of rose you could image and were about 2ft tall.
That night in Regent's Park we went to see my favorite play The Importance of Being Earnest in the Open-Air Theater. It was everything I imagined it would be, all the characters were spot on in there choices. The set was abstract and the costumes were period. I was laughing almost the entire time. We got the ten pound tickets where you sat on the grass on the sides of the stage. We got about 4 feet from the stage. I got to meet the actor who played my favorite character 'Algie.' He was like "Hey, you were the girl in the front who laughed a lot." I was very embarrassed and apologized and he reassured me that it was great to hear laughter in the audience. I asked him how scary it was to walk down the huge wet ramp (it rained several times during the play). He told us that it was the first time they had performed in the rain and had to help Lady Bracknell down the ramp which he hadn't had to do before. I would have been very nervous to walk down that steep, wet ramp in period heels.

I write more later but I have to let some of the other ladies on the computer!

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